Written by Steven Musumeche
Picnics are a great idea that can be both fun and romantic. Learn how to do it right!

Choosing the Food

One of the most important parts of memorable picnic dates is the food. On a first date, you should stick with picnic foods that have universal appeal. Select items that will not spoil easily. Sandwiches, cold chicken, and fresh fruit can be a good idea. Apples, Oranges, Grapes, and Pears make excellent side dishes. If you really want to make the picnic memorable, you can bring a nice bottle of wine in a wine tote to top off the meal. You should also bring some chips, crackers, and dips or spreads to balance the meal. Whether you are a new couple or old lovers, a picnic date is a perfect way to enjoy each other’s company.

Avoiding Picnic Disaster

Even if you are bringing wine or champagne, you should also add a bottle of water to fend off dehydration, especially if you’re going to be out in the sun. Remember the silverware, cups, glasses, napkins, and any other accessories that you will need. The wine-ready backpacks and picnic baskets offered from our site contain everything you need for the most romantic dates of your life! You just add the food, sides, wine, and the place!

You need to be prepared for the worst and ready to handle any situation. A summer rain shower can spring up rather quickly, so you need to be prepared. Pack a warm windbreaker and bring along a blanket to sit on (we offer some neat products that will work for this). Bring along towels for an unexpected swim, rain shower, or to wipe some sweat off after a hike. You might also want to bring a first aid kit. Don’t forget the mosquito repellent! You never know when the bugs will show up. If you will be on a more adventurous picnic, you should also consider bringing a flashlight and map.

Picking the Right Place For Your Picnic

There are usually lots of options for a picnic destination (some better than others!). Because there are lots of options, the selection of the appropriate picnic place can be difficult. You usually want to visit an area so that you know it well before going on a picnic there. Taking a loved one (or a first date) to an unknown destination may bring along unwanted surprises or situations. Stick to areas familiar to you. Hopefully, you can park your vehicle fairly closely so you can return to it quickly if an emergency arrives. If you’re an experienced outdoorsman, explore and try to find the perfect spot, but if you’re new to hiking, it’s not one of the classic date ideas to get lost! And don’t forget your picnic blanket!

Topping Off The Perfect Picnic

Picnics are a great idea that can be both fun and romantic. They allow you to spend some real quality time with your loved one (or first date) without the distractions of everyday life. With a little planning and the right gear, your picnic can be quite extravagant.. just don’t forget the picnic basket!